Tag Archives: decorations

Huge Spider Attacks Car!

spideronmycarSo I decorated for Halloween. I saw this huge spider at Target and I knew I had to put it on my car. I wanted it on the front hood, but I thought I might get a ticket for something like that. So I put Harry, (hairy, get it?!?) on the trunk and it’s worked pretty good so far. When I get moving fast, he gets all scrunched down; it looks like he’s doing it on purpose.

I’m pretty happy that he hasn’t escaped yet (especially on the expressway). I haven’t noticed many people noticing, but since I’m busy driving..

The scariest thing I saw on Halloween…

XmashallowI was just at Target and this was so scary I just had to take a picture to share with you.

I can’t believe how fast the year has gone by…