Tag Archives: credit report

I ran my credit report today

Creditreport2006BRW was talking about interest and credit recently and it reminded me it’s been a while since I checked my credit report. I’m generally pretty happy with my report, nothing I had to change (usually there’s a canceled that hadn’t been listed as canceled). Saving (and not wasting) money is a skill taught to me by my mother (mostly because we didn’t have lots) but it’s a skill I’ve managed to keep.

You can get a FREE credit report 3 times a year (once from each of the three companies). I’ve mentioned this before so I’m not going to spend too much time on the details.

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Free Credit Report 3 Times a year

CreditmapThree times a year (by law) you can get a Free Credit Report ; that’s once each from each of the credit report companies (Equifax, Transunion and Experian). They’ve been rolling this out by different parts of the country, today marks the day when now the whole country hass free access.

I posted a virtually identical post earlier this year, but since they opened up the rest of the US and I think it’s pretty important that you check and it’s free, I felt it was worth mentioning again.

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Free Credit Report (Legit)

CreditmapSo now every year (by law) you can get a Free Credit Report from each of the credit report companies (Equifax, Transunion and Experian). They’ve been rolling this out by zones; zone 1 got it earlier this year, 2 (the Midwest) got it today, 3 in June, 4 in September. I did mine today, I did the Transunion one (I had never done that one before). I think I liked the Equifax one the best, it seemed the most complete and understandable (IMHO). The first time I ever did one I had over a dozen open credit cards that should have been closed. The FTC has more info on-line.

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