Tag Archives: comments

Do me a favor? Go get a Gravatar!

Do you ever notice that sometimes in the comments you can see an image of the poster? Those are called Avatars. Sometimes they are of the poster and sometimes they are image representing them. Regardless of which one you use anything is more interesting than nothing. It gives a little more recognition / flavor to your post…

Gravatar has a way to put those on places where you comment. Two cool things about that. One: They’re free!!! Two: They’re retroactive. If you set it up, it’ll automagically show up on any old comments you left on this site and on thousands (and thousands) of sites where you may have already commented! Plus, they’ve just gone back on-line after redesigning their site.

It’s not a big favor and I never ask you for much so please find a image of yourself (it’ll let you size/crop it) and go sign up! Of course you realize you need to come back here and leave a comment, right? And I’ll need a volunteer or two who already has a Gravatar to leave one so other’s can see how they work…

Please note: I’ve noticed that after you add an image you have to go to the My Gravatar page and say you want to associate that image with your e-mail address.

I Love Comments!

I love getting comments and feedback. They are great to receive at any time. Especially nice is when I’ve made a crabby post complaining about life (or something in particular) and people post nice posts hoping it “gets better”, “feels better” or something sweet along those lines. Thank you!!

Comments are fixed!!!

I didn’t even know they were broken. Although I was a little disappointed on the lack of comments recently I just thought it was slow (or I’ve been extra boring).

Tonight, I realized it’s been 3 days with out any comments (and I’ve posted more than usual). So I started poking around. I was changing something on the layout 3 days ago and while it seemed fine when I was done, I guess I broke something. And it broke it for all the posts so you couldn’t even post on the older posts.

So if you’ve commented on something recently, it’s been lost. Sorry. PLEASE feel free to post (or repost) any any post again…

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Not that I get that many, but I received more blog comments today than any other day (more than I have in the average week). The odd thing is I don’t think a single one was related to the same post…

Keep ’em coming!!!