Tag Archives: Christmas Tree

Have a Safe and Merry Christmas!

tree2008.JPGEveryone, please travel safe during the holiday festivities! In Michigan the roads are awful but be careful no matter how the roads are (especially if you’re drinking while celebrating).

Be thankful that you get to spend time with your family and friends. It’s a time to be nice (so don’t fight with your family about stupid things)!

And if you’re in a place that has snow, don’t forget to go for a ride and look at the Christmas lights!




Free Christmas Tree – Looking for a Good Home

If there is someone who needs* a Christmas tree I have a very nice artificial 7.5 foot Martha Stewart brand tree to give away. It’s only two or three years old and in great shape. It’s just a pain to assemble so I bought a three piece pre-lit tree this year. All you have to do is make arrangements to come pick it up, I’m in the Dearborn (Detroit) Michigan area. As soon as it is claimed I will post it is reserved (which means they haven’t picked it up yet) and or taken. Please feel free to e-mail me about this (be sure to answer the immediate auto-reply you will get) include a phone number to make arrangements.


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Christmas Tree Status

So the nine foot trees are sparse around here and I had to give up on one with colored lights, all I could find were white lights. So I’m thinking I’m definitely not going to find a colored light one on sale after. I decided the Martha Stewart one from K-mart really was the nicest one (it’s a little skinny but that’s part of when I like it). Here’s the problem, no one has them in stock. I’ve check a half-dozen and friend’s have checked a few others for me. So here craziest part: They’re on sale today (28% off) but no one has them! So I check the first store I checked and they’ve got them marked on-sale but have none (at least mark them out of stock!). And the manager remembers that one of the stores got two in, but can’t remember which one (how helpful is that?!?).

So I get the phones numbers of a bunch of stores from them (including a few I hadn’t checked) and start calling. No one has them. Kelly calls me and tells me they have one at the store by her (that’s funny, they told me they were out when I called). She’s calling from Liz’s and they hop in the mini-van and pick it up and deliver it to me! Now that’s service!

I’ll put it up later and see if I’m happy enough to not replace the 800 bulbs with multi-colored lights. Once I put my colorful ornaments on, maybe it’ll be okay. Or at least okay enough…

Christmas Tree Assembly

So I hate assembling my Christmas Tree, it’s only a few years old but it’s making me cRaZy, especially since I’d rather have a real tree (but my allergies bug me when I do). So I’m looking for a fake artificial one, here’s the trick: I want it tall and have multi-colored lights. Most of the tall ones (9-10 feet) I see are all clear unless I go really tall and really expensive. The ones I’ve seen are in the $199-$299 range, look great and the bottom isn’t too big (i.e. it doesn’t take up the whole room). I actually really like the $199 nine-and-a-half foot one I saw at Home Depot yesterday, I might just have to go clear if I don’t find anything in a few days.
Has anyone seen anything they like or can recommend that fits what I’m looking for? (Multi-colored, 9-10 feet, not a huge base and $200-$400)

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