Tag Archives: Chicago

Where are those rocks that I’m talking about…

NWU MapSo this is where I was when I did the rock tour (see recent posts). It’s also where I was when I went rollerblading part of the time and where I just liked to relax. You can see in the zoomed in part (you did click on the thumbnail image?) that fuzzy edge near the water along Lake Michigan, it’s all these huge rocks (or big chunks of cement) along the shoreline. It’s probably about 40-60 feet of these along the shoreline to the water (if not more) and many are painted with these some of these sayings on them.

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Wired NextFest Part I

So part of the Chicago trip was to go to NextFest and run by Wired Magazine and highly sponsored by GE. It was on Navy Pier and they had all sorts of new technologies on display. I’ll be doing multiple-posts about them over the next few days (weeks?).

Me, the guy into all the gizmos and gadgets did look at more than a few of them and say “Why?” They were just that far out that I couldn’t see any kind of application for them.

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97 Degrees!

weather reportIt got to be a hot one today. They said 97 today and I don’t think they were exaggerating! I’ve bounced all around today. Heather’s house was my base and I bounced between there and the paths by the water at Northwestern U and downtown Evanston each a few times. And I drank about 10 gallons of water, coca-cola and Gatorade. I also took a bunch of photos which I’ll add later once I get back to a WiFi zone (I’ll post a few and add a bunch to my flickr feed). It’s still pretty hot out even with the sun down (even with a breeze).

My stupid laptop

So I had power all the way down here on the train (yes, I’m in Chicago now) which was a treat, if only they had WiFi. I plugged in the the laptop before I went to bed and the darn battery charger cord came out 1/8th of an inch and now the thing is dead. I was going to take it with me when I left for Evanston (my plan was to blog, eat and shop all day, with some rollerblading in there too). My battery lasts a decent time but it seems to take forever to charge… I’m just annoyed because it’s only out of juice because it slipped, not ’cause it ran out. Maybe I’ll have to be geekless part of the day.

Chicago Visit

So I’m going to be in Chicago soon mostly for fun. Any readers want get coffee / drink / something? It’s fun to put a voice / mannerisms to a person you’ve communicated with but never really met… Leave a comment or e-mail if interested.

I really need a way to keep track of who I read and where they are geographically or I’d just invite / say hi to the people I read but I can’t think of anyone in that area. I’m also in Philadelphia later this summer so if you’re from there and happen to stumble across this post be sure to say HI!

Indigo Girls – Rarities

One of my favorite bands, The Indigo Girls, released Rarities this week. Eighteen tracks of odd stuff. Demos, different mixes, live cuts, EP versions and some tracks I don’t know if they’ve ever been released (like Ramblin’ Round featuring Ani DiFranco). If you get it at the iTunes store it comes with 2 bonus tracks.

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Anna Nalick in Chicago

Anyone happen to see Anna Nalick in Chicago tonight at Borders? If so, two three questions: How many songs did she play? Anthing not on Wreck of the Day? and (of course) how was she?!?

Vacation – Chick Chat

1. Where Do You Visit The Most On Vacation?:
Probably Florida, the Miami (pardon me, the South Beach area) and Ft. Lauderdale area. Haven’t been there in a while but it’s got sun and good roller blading. I’ve probably been to Florida the most especially counting other locations. I’ve been to Washington D.C. a lot but mostly for work. I’ve been to Chicago and Toronto more than a few times but those are usually quick trips and don’t require much planning. I’ll make Florida be my final answer!
2. What’s Your Idea Of A Dream Vacation?:

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