Tag Archives: blogging

333 – I’m halfway there

So it’s been a relatively bad week. I’m still sick (two weeks now) and they can’t figure out what’s up. I haven’t been sleeping well (got about 3-4 hours last night). I’ve had numerous overlapping appointments and meetings that made the week pretty goofy. I got a phone call from a buddy in the emergency room who wrapped his car around a pole (literally). Spent lots of time in the hospital and checking on things. I’ve been driving around with tin cans in my car since Monday and haven’t had time to take them back.

All I wanted to do after work was get some Thai food, go home, watch some TV and crash. So I get home and realize the cable is out and so is the Internet. (It’s SciFi Friday! How am I supposed to watch Galactica?!?)

So why did I decide I’m halfway to hell? The cable went out at 3:33…

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Two Years Blogging

So it’s been two years that I’ve been blogging!!! I’m still short three posts from 1,000 but maybe I’ll have something more introspective to post in a few days. I just couldn’t let the day go without a post. Besides, I have a few questions for you…

Blogging facts from Gary Said…

  • This is really my third permutation of my web site title and my fourth URL, but it’s the only dedicated one so I’m thinking I’ll be sticking to it for good (I hope). I got the distinct address to separate it from (more professional?) non-blogging activities. I’ll probably only switch if I got something better, like gary.com.
  • I get block about 500 comment/trackbacks spam hits a day which is about 15,000 hits a month! Thank you MT-Blacklist and SpamLookUp! Blogging would be no fun without both of these tools (details on these tools below).
  • I’m still averaging about 3 posts every two days. And a few memes that I never got to finishing each week.

    My questions to you:

  • How often do you read my blog?
  • Why don’t you comment more?
  • Where are you from?
  • Have you seen The Daily Meme, my index of memes? (These aren’t my memes, just my index. Just a little self/cross-promotion…)

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  • What is this blogging thing all about?!?

    John Dvorak does an article called “Dvorak’s Blogging Primer” in the October 18, 2005 issue of PC Magazine. It’s just over two pages and it’s not bad. He breaks it down pretty concisely and does a huge sidebar (2/3 of the page) called “Anatomy of a Blog”. It’s interesting so check it out or I can send you a free digital issue (see below).

    The article, which starts of page 60, also has some followups by others: One on RSS Feeds and another on creating podcasts.

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    New Layout AND site!

    Garysaid logoSo I’ve got the new design up at http://GarySaid.com/. (If you’re viewing this at the old site it doesn’t look new, it’s probably starting to look broken as I move things and directory paths break). I’ll be patching a few things (especially on the sidebars) over the next week. So give me a few days to patch all the cracks (unless you see something really bad).

    Please change you links and blogrolls to this site…

    A slanted PC Magazine feature

    So this Backspace article in the May 24, 2005 issue of PC Magazine they decide to look at some blogs to see “is blogging the new journalism?” and “is mainstream media truly obsolete?”

    They then proceeded to to quote a dozen different blogs. Most were some really really boring entries from blogger.com and the rest were just mostly boring (I did like a few entries). And that was it! I guess that it was supposed to stand on it’s own to make it’s point. I think this is the first time that I recall Backspace not being a bunch of Leno-ish goofball typos or web/magazine layout faux-paus…

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    Kelly says: I am who I am

    Kelly has the newest blog that I’ve been reading. It’s name is I am who I am. I don’t have much else to say other than to take a look. She just started last Sunday so there are only a half-dozen posts so you can see for yourself. Her post on the high school shooting yesterday really puts a lump in your throat; it’s really more her thoughts and feelings about it that’ll get to you…

    Blogging – It’s Blogcess

    1) How long have you been blogging?
    One year and a few months.
    2) How many templates (looks) have you had for your blog since it’s inception? Do you design your own or have someone else do them for you?
    Probably close to ten, I had a while that I was messing with it all the time, especially when people complained about the swirling graphics. I usually use my own layout template but I usually use a free template as a basis; that means I’ll use some of their colors and a graphic or two.
    3) How many posts have you made on your blog? How often do you post?
    This will make number 573, I average about one-and-a-half a day but I don’t post every day… I post every few days, more on the weekends.
    4) For many of us having a blog also means we read blogs. Let’s share a few of our favorites for some blog recess linky love.
    I read gobs and gobs of them. You can see my blogroll list on my home page on the lower right.

    From It’s Blogcess

    It’s been a year, what’s changed (technologically and me)?

    So it’s been a year since I started this blog. I’ve typed hundreds of entries (I don’t think I made the 500 mark yet). I’ve changed many parts of it:

  • the title several times (Something Nice Happened Today [dropped the nice for a while], If I blog in a Forest and No One Reads It, Do I Make Any Noise [a few variations of that, but it was to darn long, but it was kinda my favorite] and Let Me Make My Point(e) [with the E emphasizing my my name] and it was temporarily Do you See My Point(e)?)
  • Changed the background a few times and had a few psychedelic rotating ones, it’s still a little busy but I work really hard to make it compatible in all browsers (and all screen resolutions) and if not there’s a nice PDA version you can use.
  • My blog ReadRoll has grown and I’ve redone that a few different ways.
  • Added and changed some categories but it’s still pretty close to the original.
  • Added the whole about section with lists stuff about me and what tools/plug-ins I use.
  • Redone the internals quite a bit, switched to PHP and a few other things.
  • Added some advertising to the sides and some ads here and there and maybe that’ll pay off someday…
  • I’m passing over 5 GB of data a month. And I’m still not sure where it’s going, I’ve disabled my photo albums so it’s mostly just my content. I’ve even reduced the number of entries on my main page and it’s still growing so at least I’ve got readers (and occasionally some commenters). Some people get really bent when they don’t get comments, I’m okay without them, but it sure makes me happy when I get them…

    I’ve tried to stay away from whining and complaining too much, but sometimes cars get broken into and sometimes people die and sometimes BK screws up my order so I need to vent a little. I’m about in the same place in life as a I was last year: single, childless and still looking to make those changes. (As much as people complain about it I’d rather be spending time this month assembling bicycles or cribs or whatever.)

    Even though I created The Daily Meme I’ve become less of a meme-a-holic which I’ve been missing so I think I’ll go back to those silly quizzes as a way to express things about myself…