Tag Archives: blogging

It’s been 4 years since I started blogging.

It’s been 4 years today since I started blogging. It wasn’t really a plan. I had just looked into it for a bit and one day I had something to say and kept going

I think this will be post number 1677 (that averages to a little more than 1 posts a day) and 2,299 comments.

Thanks for listening and commenting everyone!!!!! And if you’ve just been listening, speak up and say HI Continue reading

WordPress for Dummies

WordPress For Dummies, 3rd Edition Lisa Sabin-WilsonWordPress For Dummies is coming out on Monday (a few weeks early), and it looks like it covers most of the new features that are in WordPress. I’ve been reading Lisa Sabin-Wilson’s blog (JustAGirlInTheWorld.com) for a few years, but generally the tech info doesn’t help me since I’m not a WP user. Since I’ve been wanting to try WP for a while now (I’ve just played with it a little bit recently) this will help me on my way. So keep an eye out and pick up a copy (or order it on-line) when you get a chance…

I just ran up to Border’s to make sure it wasn’t on the shelves already and it wasn’t out, so I’ll leave my pre-order with Amazon (and save 5% since it’s a pre-order and the price is guaranteed if it drops). Continue reading

I Revise My Blog Posts (sometimes).

So I’m always editing my posts. Generally, just in the first hour (or two) but occasionally (rarely) up to a day later. I’ll see little things I want to change/correct or I’ll notice typing errors. Sometimes I’ll remember something I left out and I’ll add it. I’m trying to make the blog post better, more readable and more complete.

I don’t change the slant or idea of something I had but I’ll firm up the idea sometimes. Sometimes I wonder how that info gets around the ‘net though. I know some people will read me via RSS or Atom or something, but once their software grabs my feed, if I change the article do they get the latest version if I don’t revise the date (and if I do revise the date do they have two copies?)?

I know sites start to index pages and RSS feeds and update Technorati and other sites like that and I’m not sure what version those end up with in the end, or how often it takes to re-index those files. Continue reading

Link Love on Valentine’s Day

I’m always disappointed that I used some other web addresses for my blog (GaryLaPointe.com/blog, GaryLaPointe.com/nice, GaryLaPointe.com/mypointe) before I settled on http://GarySaid.com/. The problem is I’ve been linked by all sorts of sites to the old address and it’s impossible to change them*. Many place on your blogs, search engings, listings in Blogrolls, BlogShares, Techortati, etc. You can’t just delete them since they do point towards you but they’re not correct (and some you can’t even delete if you want). I’ve got good redirects so I’m probably okay with links, but it really bothers the obsessive compulsive part of my brain.

One of my biggest sets of incorrect links are on other sites where I’ve left comments or trackbacks** to my old URL, well it wasn’t old then, but it doesn’t link back to here (but most times will redirect you to the correct page). I know some of you have changed your address by switching from Blogger to Typepad to your own website, etc. and the old links just go to a redirect, a note that says you moved or sometimes (the worst) an error page. I also know some of you have deleted them on purpose and started over but maybe you’d like that insightful comment you left here 3 years ago to link to your new site…

Here’s my offer for you: I’ll replace your old comment links on my site with your new site. This will help with people reading the archives and who click on your link so you may get a few new readers since your old dead links will now work (and it’ll probably help with some search engine stats as I get reindexed). Leave me a comment and list some old blog addresses you have posted comments here with (make clear which is the new one) and I’ll see if I can do a search and replace to fix the links. It probably won’t help with any specific page links or trackbacks but at least they’ll point to the correct site (if I see broken ones as such I can redirect to the front page). I’ll fix your blogroll link if I’ve got one too (be sure to point that out). I’ll even fix things like remove/add the WWW if you’ve since settled on one or the other. Continue reading

TTLB Ecosystem Near Me – revisited 2007

So I’ve done this before. Taken a look at the TTLB Ecosystem (a rating system for blogs based on links) and I’ve looked at the 10 blogs above me and below me and listed the ones that I liked. Today, I rank 908 (this always varies but I’m much higher than usual) and the list has about 43,000 entries at this time. I wanted to see what was “near” me at this time so I took a fresh look….

  • 898) Pesky’apostrophe – always better than an unexpected period
  • 899) First Draft
  • 900) Dane Bramage
  • 902) High Desert Wanderer
  • 903) Bettnet.com – Musings of Domenico Bettinelli
  • 905) Yankeemom
  • 906) Da Goddess – Friends are like bras, a good one never lets you down Continue reading
  • 2000 Bloggers. Will I make the list?

    So I kinda jumped on this one a little late. Tino Buntic is trying to compile a list 2000 bloggers with linked mugshots. I see a lot of familiar faces in it, I’m not sure how I didn’t see it before today. I added my name to the list and we’ll see if he gets to me before all 2000 spots are taken. You can try and get on the list too….

    Three years blogging!!!!

    So I’ve been blogging for three years!!!

    That’s longer than I generally keep a job (or a relationship)!

    Continue reading

    Melissa Has Been Blogging Away (go say hello!)

    So a few weeks ago I mentioned we were trying to get a domain name for Melissa. Well we finally settled on YourMelissa.com as the address. Once we got her set up on-line she then immediately titled the site “A Musing Melissa”! Where the hell was that idea when we were picking out a name?!?

    So she’s been talking about life, her kids, being single and figuring out who she is as her kids become adults and she gets used to handling life on her own. She’s been posting and I keep forgetting to send some traffic her way. So go on over to A Musing Melissa and say hello. I’m sure she’d love to get some comments and find some other blogs to read.

    Continue reading