Tag Archives: Detroit

Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life – A pre-review

So I’m reading this book review (by Martey Rich Keenan in the Detroit News) for a book called Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life by Amy Krouse Rosenthal. Now when I read the description it sounded like a blog, alphabetical but a blog nonetheless. So of course I had to check it out.

When I saw the book it made me think blog in so many ways. Timelines, lists of things (like smells) and memes (yes, I said memes!). There is at least one meme in the book that hasn’t been done yet (like we won’t be using that one in the near future)! I’m going to spend some time Wednesday and read this one, you should too! I’m not going to say much more – the review and the Amazon info (which is more than usual) should be enough to get you interested if this is your kind of thing.

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A day at the Cemetery

So I went over to Mount Olivet Cemetery this weekend. It’s a huge cemetery in Detroit. Part of it’s on the other side of Outer Drive and there’s a little tunnel that connects the two sides. It’s where my grandparents (from my mother’s side) were buried and my grandfather’s sister and his parents are also buried there. I took out my garden tools (which are limited since I only use them for days like today) and dug out around the stones and got rid of the grass that was covering the stones. I cleaned it all up and used some water to clean off the stones when I was done. I had never met my great-grandparents and I had never noticed that my great-grandfather died before my mother was born, some how I never realized this before… That’s been slightly disturbing to me the past few days.

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Tori in Detroit!!

ToriamosWoo Hoo! Tori Amos is going to be at the Detroit Opera House in April!!!!!! Not only is it a semi-small venue (at 3-4,000 seats it’s certainly not the Palace) it’s a very easy ride from my house.

Another nice Saturday!

So it’s another nice Saturday in the Detroit area (Dearborn actually). Lots of sunshine and it’s not too cold either. Got the car washed, went to the library, ran a few errands and got and sandwich at Burger King. I’m posting this at the WiFi BK, their WiFi is semi-screwed up again but I managed to get around it get it to work.

Need to do some organizing around the house but I’ll wait until the sun is shining into that room. Not much of an exciting weekend but it’s nice to relax and get a bit more sleep than usual…

Planetary Alignment

Anyone know anything about a planetary alignment tonight? (Or this week?) The weather guy mentions it (on the left down a little, by the video clip) but I can’t find anything on-line about it (Yahoo/Google/Space.com). A link (or two) if you had any information would be excellent…

Hospitals and Holidays…

So since I’ve moved back to the Detroit area I don’t don’t see some of my family as much. Here’s why: I’m now about 30-35 minutes away from most of them compared to 90 minutes. That might not make sense since I’m closer to them, but when I was 90 minutes away (East Lansing area) I came and spent the day or maybe the day and part of the next day and while I was there I’d visit others, heck if it was nice I’d rollerblade or bicycle around town and visit others. Now I’ll just head in, have dinner (or do whatever the mission is) and head home; voila 3 hours later and I’m home and visited for 2 hours where before that was just the the travel time.

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Veronica Mars – Great Show!

Wow! What a great show. Thanks to Melissa for pointing it out, I might have missed it otherwise. It’s (she’s) got attitude, tough, cute and it’s all pretty believable (as a TV high school detective goes). veronica marsShe’s kind of a Nancy Drew meets Watts (SKoW) a detective with attitude and a diverse group of friends (with a little bit of Heathers thrown in). Mtv has already picked it up, in addition to UPN so I’m sure you can catch the pilot still. She also is from the Detroit area, Huntington Woods actually so she probably went to my high school too (but I didn’t find that out until after I watched the show).

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Free Gas!

Okay do it wasn’t free but it was only $1.68 and I was pretty excited about it. (It’s the little things.)

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