Sick. Yuck!

So I’ve been sick the last few days. Some kind of bronchial bronchitis (or something other -itis thing), the doctor gave me drugs in case it’s viral it’s not viral. Congested, stuffy, fuzzy brain (when a piece of silverware hits a glass it just sounds so loud. I’ve been way bored. Caught way up on television. Men's Health for Dummies Charles B. Inlander, People's Medical Society (U. S.)Obviously I haven’t been doing too much on the blog (or the ‘net in general). I’ve got a half dozen posts from weeks ago (heck, I’ve got posts from six months ago I haven’t finished) so it’s not for lack of topics, just sitting in front of the computer has had no interest for me (so you know I’m sick); my grandma and mother used to offer me home baked chocolate chip cookies to see how sick I really was.

Today it’s the ears and throat (these are much worse, but the conjestion/breathing seems better), if it’s worse tomorrow I might run up somewhere to see what else they can give me. The annoying thing was is I’ve been taking extra care of myself the week before this. Less soda and junk food. More vitamins, other health stuff and more sleep. So it’s kinda annoying.

4 responses to “Sick. Yuck!

  1. I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Actually, I’m thinking the doctor gave you antibiotics in case it’s NOT viral. I don’t know of many drugs for viruses, but we antibiotics for bacterial infections.

    Problem is, every time you use antibiotics, a few of the little buggers survive the onslaught and breed more resistant bugs. Especially if you don’t finish the entire prescription.

    So, two things…

    Finish the prescription, and…

    feel better! (That’s an order.) :)

  3. Oops. NOT viral, that’s what I meant :)

    Thanks for the well wishes..

  4. A (boring) blog post reposted, it’s only of interest because it’s from 5 years ago today and I’ve been sick this week too…

    And it sounds pretty much the same except I’m not so congested this time around. My ears are really bothering which is weird since I’ve been to two different doctor’s this week and they both say my ears are fine.

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