Here I sit outside my bed,
Lots of pressure in my head.
I really don’t feel so hot,
mostly due to all the snot.
It makes my head hurt so I can’t sleep,
It hurts my head so bad I want to weep.
I use my little netty pot,
But I’m so full, it’s just stops.
SItting up feels the best,
But that doesn’t help me get any rest.
I use my high pressure netty pot,
and while it works better, I hurt a lot.
I’ve been up to long, that I feel dead,
Now it’s time to try to go back to bed.
FYI, it’s the one shaped like a bottle that I feel is the higher pressure neti-pot, I usually use the plastic gravy boat version.. While I get no payment for mentioning the neti-pots, I am a firm believer and member of the neti-pot cult of South-Eastern Michigan. It’s just my faith isn’t holding up during this time of crisis. Actually, these are Amazon Affiliate links so I do get a commission if you click and buy anything. But that’s really not what prompted my prose at this time of day.