I always love Chicago, I’ve had incredible luck with the weather when you consider the number of times I’ve been there and it’s almost always a different experience than the last time I was there. That’s not to say I don’t do some of the same things: I bike or rollerblade, I get ribs at SRO and I hit the Apple Store; after all, I am a creature of habit (habits?). And with all the people there, you can’t help but spend some time people watching…

This little girl was sitting right on the edge of the pier(?) looking into Lake Michigan. There were a few other kids with her and they were all pretty peaceful down there by the water, there is a beach not far away and I think they’d been there for a while (some were wet and I’m pretty sure they hadn’t jumped off the edge there). This photo was taken almost right behind the Adler Planetarium.

It was a nice day but it was hot out, these people were out relaxing during their lunch. This is downtown Chicago at State Street and Wacker Drive and the river is just out of sight to the left. I’d been relaxing in the shade by the water and didn’t even realize how the big steps were benches and grass until I’d gone up those stairs.

There were people running, walking, biking and blading everywhere (mostly along Lake Michigan). It was really hot when this runner was out and it was still early in the day but there were still lots of people out. You can see the Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier in the background.

Yeah, I know I title this “People in Chicago” but there are some tiny people in the distance in it. In the distance you can see Chicago in the distance. From the left we’ve got Navy Pier, the Hancock Building, Sears Tower (now Willis Tower) and to my right (not in the photo) across the road is the LIncoln Park Zoo (to give you a frame of reference as I try to do with my photos).
This is my 31 photos in 31 days photo for today.
Are you in Chicago right now?
No. I’m home.
I thought the photos were supposed to be from that day.
Then you should have thought I was there :)
Still got those great non-answer-answers! I remember so many times I’d ask you an either/or this-or-that question and you’d answer “Yes”
Well. I didn’t have anything today. Many are posting from at least the previous day. And no one would question me except here, publicly. Didn’t think I’d get outed. (There IS private messaging).
What about someting from all your great bike rides or rollerbading adventure. They sound like fun.
Kurt – he likes me better. I get 3 word answers.
I was on blades for all those photos. (Except the State Street and Wacker Ave photos)
How about a picture of the sausage muffin that you wanted to avoid.