Not For The Faint-Hearted – TGIF

1. Are you afraid to die?
No. It’s going to happen (I’d just prefer it’s later than sooner).
2. If you had your way, would you rather die because of a lingering disease or instantaneously?
Instantly. But it does have the disadvantage of not being able to put your affairs in order.
3. It’s your last day alive and you know it. How will you spend your last 24 hours on earth?
With my friends and family. Maybe buy (charge) them all sorts of gifts since I won’t have to pay off the charge cards…
4. Describe your funeral or wake.
A regular old church service with everyone getting together for some food/drinks/celebration-type stuff. I’d like something different, maybe a drawing for some prizes or something…
5. How would you want your remains to be put to rest? (Ashes scattered at sea, traditional burial, your urn at your family’s mantle, be preserved like a mummy… eww.)
It doesn’t really matter too much. Probably buried in the regular old way, maybe launch my body (or ashes into space?).

From TGIF.

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