Matching Freak

So here’s a photoblog of Melike’s, it’s called MatchingFreak v.2. In the background info for this site she says:

In my senior year of high school, I put up a picture of my outfit every day for about three months.
Ever since then, people have been asking me to do it again, so I’m giving it a try.

Every day you get a shot that shows her full outfit, jewelry, belt/shoes/socks, etc. There’s no text, the pictures pretty much speak for themselves.

While this might not be a blog I visit every day (I do read her regular blog) I thought it was unique enough to mention. I must say in a few small pictures it clearly show how the outfit matches and this appeals to the instructional design (and obsessive compulsive) side of me. This astounds me because I really have to think about making things match and then once I get out of the house I sometimes realize they don’t match (this is where a spare white shirt and tie at work helps out). My common matching mistake is wearing a lot of brown (jacket, pants, socks) and then forgetting I’m brown and putting on the black shoes when leaving the house.

On Melike (meh-lee-keh) and her blog: She’s a junior at MIT, double majoring in chemical-biological engineering and music. She writes her blog in both English and Turkish. Beside blogging she’s got photos, drawings, musical compositions, quotes (friends and family) and a comic she’s drawn. There’s a lot there, I’m not sure how she manages to get it all (life/blog/dress/study) done…

One response to “Matching Freak

  1. Gary from

    She hit her 1,000th matching freak outfit today!

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