Let’s talk about debt baby

1. Who do you owe?
Just the mortgage company. Probably about $100,000 still. I also owe for some retirement year purchases which will be paid off at the same time it’s time to retire. Actually paying it off will let me retire fiver years early.
2. Does anyone owe you?
I don’t think anyone owes mw anything at this time.
3. How many credit cards to you have?
Four; I generally just use two, the MasterCard and Kohl’s (Kohl’s gives me good rewards). They all (bills, mortgage and charge card) get paid off automatically every month. This forces me to make sure I have the money in the bank…

4. Do you care about national debt?
Yes. But I’ll help them crank it up some more if we can get more money for schools and the poor people who don’t have enough.
5. Would your friends be surprised if they accidently saw the balance in your checkbook?

I don’t so. They be surprised on how I organizes it. Different accounts for vacation, technology, yearly bills and future car purchase, etc…

From Friday Fiver.

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