From the time you get up in the morning until the time you go to bed at night, how many different digital/electronic devices do you use on any given day? Please consider listing them, as it would be interesting to see what everyone comes up with!
A timer automatically turns on a light about 10 minutes before my alarm, the digital alarm clock goes off (playing a CD), I use my remote to turn lights on and off, I use my garage door opener, I play my iPod, I use my cell phone (which is also my day planner), I use the computer at work (and that’s all before lunch).
I start my car with the electronic start, I use the digital counting machine to return pop cans and bottles (on my lunch break, the bottle machine was broken when I bought groceries yesterday and they were still in my car), I use my work cell phone, the copier, my work phone, my laptop, the printer, my answering machine, my TV remote, my stereo remote, my TiVo remote, the timer on my stove, my home computer, my home phone, my other home computer to sync my palm/phone. I used many of those multiple times. That’s not even counting the inadvertent use of things like the Wifi router in my home and other devices on timers and I’m sure there were many more but none come to mind this second…
From Monday Madness.