Can you suggest some Detroit-area people to follow on Twitter? I’m looking for something that has a local geographic flavor, like Dearborn (or Detroit) Michigan.
I’m always looking for more people to follow, but today I’m soliciting suggestions for the Detroit area just to get a slightly less global feel for this Twittery goodness/chaos. I’ve got a lot of great people that I follow, but I’d love to see some tweets about local restaurants, bars and music.
So send me a message @GaryLaPointe with suggestions or tell someone you know to follow me and I’ll find them or just leave a comment. Thanks!
Hi Gary, no I am not a tweeter from Detroit area. I am on SL (eh gads…I think I heard a groan?!?). It’s Kris from MSU. Give me an email.
You can tell me all about Tweeter.
Hey, just started following you.
I saw that you added me a while back but just now made the connection that you were the same person who commented on my blog (meaning you weren’t just a random follower — something you’ll definitely see happen the longer you’re on twitter).
Thanks for stopping by, glad there’s someone around trying to get some local connection on the web.