Hospitals and Holidays…

So since I’ve moved back to the Detroit area I don’t don’t see some of my family as much. Here’s why: I’m now about 30-35 minutes away from most of them compared to 90 minutes. That might not make sense since I’m closer to them, but when I was 90 minutes away (East Lansing area) I came and spent the day or maybe the day and part of the next day and while I was there I’d visit others, heck if it was nice I’d rollerblade or bicycle around town and visit others. Now I’ll just head in, have dinner (or do whatever the mission is) and head home; voila 3 hours later and I’m home and visited for 2 hours where before that was just the the travel time.

End result: I’ve probably seen Mom as many hours as I normally do (partially since she’ll come my way more often) and I’ve gotten to a few more birthday’s (cousin’s kids) that I might have missed but where I’m lacking (and I’ve been very aware of it) is seeing my Grandparents on my father’s side. I don’t really see that side of the family much but I did used to visit my grandparents a lot more often (at least every other visit into town). Communication wasn’t always good, I’d generally hear about illnesses or operations after the fact.

So the point is (you knew I’d get to it eventually) is that my Grandfather is in the hospital and so I spent a few hours at the hospital with him and that side of the family last night. I’m under the impression it’s really not good. He seemed pretty conscious but they had this high velocity oxygen mask (I’m not kidding, his eyelids and cheeks flutter when it blows, I’m pretty sure it’s to help him breathe but to avoid something more invasive like intubating him) so it was pretty had for him to talk or the hear him or for him to hear us. I’ll know more later but I’m thinking it’s not really good.

And the darn phone keeps ringing, I guess I should answer it or at least play the messages…

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