Gmail Paper

So this is a great idea, some have e-mail (gMail) accounts but don’t have printers. They access at internet cafes, off their cell phone or at work (where it’s not appropriate to print personal mail). But how do you get a hardcopy of your messages? This was a problem the first week or two when my Mom got her computer, she didn’t have any way to print.

GpaperSolution: gMail paper. You click the “paper archive” button and they’ll mail you copies of the messages. “You can read it, sort it, search it, touch it. Or even move it to the trash—the real trash. (Recycling is encouraged)”. Of course it’s free, it’s from Google but I don’t see how they can afford the postage, they say that “The cost of postage is offset with the help of relevant, targeted, unobtrusive advertisements, which will appear on the back of your Gmail Paper prints”. Here’s the FAQs. Obviously I haven’t seen printouts yet (I wish they had some in the FAQ) but I’ll be ordering a few samples later and I’ll post what they look like (although printing an e-mail, then scanning it back in to post it electronically seems a little absurd).

4 responses to “Gmail Paper

  1. Its an April fool Prank, just like Google TISP

  2. Yes it is, but if you let everyone in on it they won’t fall for it….

  3. umm FYI Gmail Paper was an (absolutely hilarious) April Fools joke. It doesn’t actually exist! :P


  4. How do I get Gmail paper?
    Please tell/help me!
    From Sian (

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