Gay Marriage (it’s none of your business)

Who likes people in their business? No one. So why are we messing with this on the ballot? (There is no good answer to this, I’m not really looking for a reply.)

I thinking I’ve finally resigned myself to this being on the ballot and I’m getting excited about it. It’s opening up all sorts of future possibilities for votes that also impede on people’s civil rights:

  • Stupid people are not allowed to have children.
  • You need a permit to use the drive-thru (to prove you’re able to eat while you drive).
  • A $200 fine for turning / lane changes with out your blinker on for at least three seconds before executing.
  • No charge cards / credit unless you can prove that you actually have the ability to pay them off someday.
  • A fine for every time someone makes up an answer instead of saying “I don’t know”.
  • You must vote (or at least show up to click “abstain”) in every election (elections will be voided with less then 80% participation).

    I think many people would agree with me that having these (imaginary) proposals passed would make for a far better nation. They are actually going to affect the nation (unlike some laws) and make things better.

    Eventually I think this will pave the way to banning stupidity completely (who’s going to show up to vote against it?).

    Okay so maybe the blinker thing is just a pet peeve of mine, but I think it would make for better driving safety. Hmm… I have two on there about driving safety don’t I… I didn’t even mention driving with cell phones…

  • One response to “Gay Marriage (it’s none of your business)

    1. You and me think alike :) I especially agree with your second and last points on the list.

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