Friday Forum

1] Would you accept $1,000,000 to leave your country and never step foot in it again? Why/why not?
If I could get a waiver to come back for when my Mom needs me (older/sick/etc.), I’d take the deal! Where do I sign?!? I like it here, but to retire and go live somewhere and the only work I’d have to do is stuff I’d like and live off the rest, I’m already packing the bags and booking my flight to Costa Rica (or wherever).

2] If your friends and acquaintances were willing to bluntly and honestly tell you what they really thought of you, would you want them to? Why/why not? Do you feel that your friends and family members *already* are pretty honest with you?
I’m hoping if there is something that would be a shock that I’d have already been told by now, so it wouldn’t be a shock. So I’m assuming they are already, but you never know…

3] You notice a severe, self-destructive behavior pattern in a friend who is clearly unaware of it. Would you point it out? Why/why not?
Heck yeah! Why? Because it’s self-desructive, that’s why.

4] If you could script the basic plot for the dream you will have tonight, what would the story be?
Sorry, I try to keep this blog rated G (or even PG).

5] How often do you step back and reflect upon the way you are living and where you are headed? Do you often set goals for yourself? Why/why not?
Yeah, but they haven’t been being met lately. Most of them revolve around dating or children so some of it’s a little out of my control… But I’m back into looking into adopting again. A co-worker just did it and seems happy with the organization she worked with.

From the Friday Forum.

I’m actually doing a Friday Meme on Friday, what are the odds of that?!?

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