Free WiFi at the Cairo Airport

So I’m at the Cairo Airport ready to head to JFK and they’ve got FREE WiFi! In case you haven’t noticed while things are cheap here, nothing is free. So we’re very early for our flight but I’m ready, two weeks was long enough to be away from home. Egypt was wonderful, but I’m ready for my own bed and to have the ability to drink tap water and not be afraid to accidentally rinse after I brush my teeth.

2 responses to “Free WiFi at the Cairo Airport

  1. Hi!
    Came across you by accident
    and I’m glad.
    Can you tell me where in
    Cairo Airport the WiFi is?
    Is it all free, or only
    certain locations?

    Thanks for your time,

  2. You know, the only parts of the airport I’m familiar with is where I was. I don’t know if that was it or if there was a whole lot more.

    It was just there in the area where you’d sit and wait before they opened your gate. It seems to me there was a store (magazines and candy and such) in the middle(I think you could walk all the way around it) and I was sitting right there near the store. Can’t remember much more than that (it seems to me I found a power outlet too).

    Have a great trip!

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