Four for Friday

Was thinking I’d do a meme or two before bed. I’ll do this one from Four for Friday

Q1: Which is a bigger waste of time in your life… being stuck in traffic or being placed on hold during telephone calls? Which do you find more annoying?
Probably being stuck in traffic for two reasons. I’m probably not getting anything done and now I’m probably late… On the phone on hold I can at least get other stuff done (if you want them to answer quick, just start brushing your teeth).

Q2: The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently rejected a petition from a consumer group asking that product placements on TV be clearly labeled as such. The FTC said that the use of products by characters in fictional television shows or contestants on reality TV shows like American Idol or The Apprentice does not constitute an objective claim to the quality of the product being shown on screen. What do you think… have the lines become blurred on this one? Should television shows be barred from using overt product placements, or should they at least be made to disclose these sorts of practices before, during, or after (in the credits) the shows in question?
Reject away. Sheep People can decide for themselves or choose not to watch.
Q3: With just about every business under the sun now accepting bank check cards and debit cards, do you find that you carry more, less, or the same amount of cash as you did 5 or 10 years ago?
I’ve never been a big cash person. I charge just about everything. It really gives me some thought at the end of the month when I can see how much I spent and where… That’s the best way to curb my spending.
Q4: What’s the last song you downloaded from the Internet? If you’ve never downloaded music, what’s the last CD you bought at a store or received as a gift?
Technically it’s not a song, but the last thing I downloaded was The Neil Gaiman Audio Collection (The Day I Swapped my Dad for Two Goldfish, Wolves in the Walls, Cinnamon and Crazy Hair) which I bought from the iTunes store. The last song I bought was probably Breathe (2 AM) by Anna Nalick; I’m sure I’ve downloaded other songs from the itunes store but they’d be the free song of the week so I’m not really counting those.

One response to “Four for Friday

  1. Q1: Forget ‘road-rage’… ‘phone-rage’ is where it’s at! The bigger waste of time in my life is definitely being made to wait on hold during telephone calls. Thank G-d for speaker phones; otherwise I’d go ballistic. Companies who think they’re helping their customers by giving them voice prompted options thru their customer service phone lines are doing little–in my opinion–to show they value us. What I think they

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