Four For Friday

Q1 – Co-Workers: Do the people you work with tend to be younger than you, the same age as you, or older than you? How do the differences in age or generations play themselves out in your work environment? In other words, are these sorts of differences good, bad, or not a factor in the work you do?
Most of the people in my building are older than myself but district wide with all the teachers a lot of the staff is younger than me. Though in most of my previous jobs I used to be the baby where ever I worked.

Q2 – Television: Last week, Kevin Martin, the relatively new chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, said he was in favor of an “a la carte” cable pricing plan that would allow consumers to choose to pay only for the individual cable channels they want. Do you like the idea of a la carte pricing for cable TV? If Martin is successful in getting the cable industry to offer it, how many channels do you think you’d choose to subscribe to a la carte?
Yes!! Please yes! I’d do about nine channels: ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, UPN, WB, USA, SciFi and G4. There might be a few more but I’d have to check the TiVo to see what else. I do like a few of the HD channels out there (inHD, inHD2 and I think there are a few more from other networks I don’t get) so I might check into those depending on the price.
Q3 – Eating Out: After receiving the bill for a great meal in a restaurant you’d been dying to try, you notice that your waiter neglected to charge for one of the items you ordered and happily devoured. Would you… tell the waiter, not tell the waiter but leave a larger tip than called for, or not do anything? Would your answer be different if the meal or service really sucked?
I don’t think I’ve ever not been charged for en entree or anything big, generally a soda or a drink. Which would get the waiter a bigger tip. It’d depend on the service.
Q4 – Business Cards: Do you have one? If so, how often do you hand yours out verses receiving them from others?
I have business cards (but I need more). I hand them out occasionally, more people generally give them to me than the other way around.

From an old Four For Friday

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