I caught this crawling away from the corner of the garage and it looks like some spiderwebs from the corners and some grass clippings were stuck. Not sure if that was slowing it down or was just super curious.

I was watching it for a while but a lot of the video or photos wasn’t in focus so I didn’t use it. Here’s some video I took, actually a few short ones edited together.
I’m not sure if this insect was hurt or not. I let it crawl up on to a shovel and then carefully carried it outside. I think it just had too much crud stuck to it or it was wondering what I was doing…?

You can click to enlarge the photos. Please correct me as to the correct name of this insect if I got it wrong.
FYI, I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor which is VERY easy to use. (I uploaded the videos, dragged them in order, trimmed a little off the ends and voila!