Monthly Archives: July 2004

Settled In.

london04-642london04-643Hotel is nice, room is tiny. WiFi in lobby!!! Checked out out the neighborhood, got some food, got a waffle toffee crunch ice cream thing for dessert (much more on that later!). Here is a couple of photos from the hotel window (click to enlarge).

Time Flies.

england04-21_22-59-59Four seats in a row, a lone ranger type mask to block out the light and an Ambien (thanks to my sleeping problems) made this seven hour flight feel more like just a few hours. If it hadn’t been for breakfast I might still be sleeping.

Less than an hour to land!! Plus we just reset the clocks so it magically just became five hours later. Customs will take a little while, but it’s always easier going in than it is coming out. It’s looking nice and sunny out, I’m guessing it’s going to be a nice day!

Take Off!

We’re in the air! There is a lot of room on the plane so that’s really nice. Huge plane but needs updating: TV projector is old (3 tube RGB) and it appears to be the only way to watch the movie. No phones, no little indents in the trays to hold my drink steady, plus they don’t have those little air vents above the seats, I don’t think I’ve ever not seen those on a flight…

It’s a direct flight so that’s really nice. I think this row of four seats I’ve acquired is going to be great for a snappy nappy later on. We get there at 10 am England (5 am our time). The new terminal is really nice although you shouldn’t get tricked by the “food court” on the map it’s far away but you can ride the cool monorail to get from one end of the terminal to the other.

I already know I forgot a few items, I think it was the first few I set to the side, nothing crucial (I’ve got all my gizmos and allergy medicine). I’ve got books for (after we read them) and Charms Blow Pops!

It’s kinda like day care here. You come in by rows, they wait ’til you’re all relaxed and then give you instructions, after a little while they bring you a snack and then it’ll be nap time.

London Calling

Anyone from London (England) read this blog? I’m in town for the next week, I’ve got my rollerblades so I’m all over and I’d love to say hi if you get this! Leave a note or leave a comment if you do…

Trip down memory lane – Midweek Music Meme

I’m old enough to remember when records and 8-tracks were the choice you had in purchasing music for home (or auto) consumption. Not only that, but record players played LP’s and 45’s – and some even played 78’s, although I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen one of those outside of an antique shop. Cassette tapes were just beginning to come into their own when I started acquiring much of a music collection. I explained this all to my 11-year-old recently and she seemed astonished that music ever came on anything other than CDs and the computer. Damn, that made me feel old.

What was the first piece of music you bought with your very own money, and what format was it in?

Midweek Music Meme

Shawn Colvin AND Cowboy Junkies!

I was dead center and so close the only seat that might have better was the one behind me.

Both in Rochester, Michigan at Meadowbrook!

SC came out first she was excellent. I have many albums of hers but I haven’t seen her. Even the songs I didn’t know were wonderful. She brought out her six year old daughter, Callie, at the end who scampered off as soon as Mom set her down.

CJ are great too! I’ve seen them but not so close. Margo dances all around and I never realized she was so beautiful.. Oh yeah, the other five band members are great too. :)

Well, back to the concert… (I’ll try and post pictures in the next day)


This show is hysterical! Steve, Jane, Susan, Sally, Patrick and Jeffery have some interesting interactions and friendships/relationships. coupling It’s from the BBC and they tried to make a US version but it flopped, which is funny since some of the shows seemed identical except for the accents (although that is one of the great parts).

Some people think it’s a copy of Friends but that’s never crossed my mind. It’s more of a Sex and the City with both sides of the conversation. Although when Jeff talks to women it’s reminiscent of the pain of watching Ross talk to women. I think they’ve written him out for the most recent season which hasn’t hit the syndicated airwaves here yet. Too bad, he’s one of my favorite characters.

Jeff is this goofy guy who says goofy things.

Do you know what would be the best way to wipe out all of human kind if you were a space alien with a special kind of mind ray…? Make all women telepathic. Because if they suddenly found out about the kind of stuff that goes on in our heads they would kill us all on the spot.

FYI – Jeff does have a slightly stranger mind than most of us (but that doesn’t mean what he said isn’t true).

More quotes are on-line at the IMDB and the BBC site and the BBC America site.

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Virtual Zip Codes

I found this site ages ago. I’ve looked for it a half-dozen times since then because I wanted to mention it, but never could find my bookmark for it. I just stumbled upon it while looking for something else! Be sure to wait for the whole “map” to load or it doesn’t do anything and be sure to try the zoom function!