Tag Archives: Unconscious Mutterings

Unconscious Mutterings #73

  1. Lounge:: Relax
  2. Photograph:: Family
  3. Catacomb:: Caves
  4. Crucifix:: Christ
  5. Fire drill:: School
  6. Tube:: Toothpaste
  7. Dropped:: Broken
  8. LTD:: Insurance
  9. Panther:: OS X
  10. Formica:: Kitchen Counter

From unconscious mutterings.

Unconscious Mutterings 72

  1. Abundance:: Food
  2. Casino:: Vegas Baby!
  3. Shell:: Ocean
  4. Overpriced:: Cars
  5. Cancellation:: Magazine
  6. Eternal:: Youth
  7. Lyrics:: Music
  8. Faith:: Hope
  9. Because:: I said so.
  10. Wimp:: Chicken

From Unconscious Mutterings

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Unconscious Mutterings #71

I say … and you think … ?

  1. Colorblind:: Black & White
  2. Shallow:: Deep
  3. Erotica:: Sex
  4. Figment:: Imagination
  5. Eviction:: Notice
  6. Composed:: Stern
  7. Chill:: Rain
  8. Girl:: Friend
  9. California:: Sun
  10. Bond:: James

From Unconscious Mutterings

Week 70 – Unconscious Mutterings

I say and you think:

  1. Charity:: Faith
  2. Scale:: Weight
  3. Jennifer Lopez::
  4. Coercion:: Force
  5. Meter:: Yard
  6. Pressure:: Water
  7. June:: July
  8. Infestation:: Bugs
  9. Serial killer:: Neil Gaiman*
  10. Anguish:: Grief

From Unconscious Mutterings

*In a story Neil has a Cereal Convention which is really a Serial (Killer) Convention.

Unconscious Mutterings – Week 68

  1. Finale:: The End
  2. Martial arts:: Movie
  3. Flirt:: Cute
  4. Energy:: Coke
  5. Flavor:: Strawberry
  6. Guess?:: Why?
  7. Accomplishment:: Sucess
  8. Prom:: Date
  9. Diploma:: Six
  10. Bloody:: Hell

From Unconscious Mutterings

Unconscious Mutterings – Week 66

  1. Vagina:: Woman
  2. Racism:: Rude
  3. Mother’s Day:: Fun!
  4. Fire alarm:: Fire Engine
  5. Elvis:: King
  6. Pregnant:: Baby
  7. Vacation:: Sun
  8. Waffles:: Yum
  9. Perpendicular:: 90 degrees
  10. Hospital:: White

From Unconscious Mutterings

Unconscious Mutterings Week 65

I say … and you think … ?

  1. Sexy:: Hot
  2. Clique:: Snotty
  3. Pledge:: Clean
  4. Carbs:: Atkins
  5. Dream Job:: At Home
  6. Sweeps:: Week
  7. Soundtrack:: Boys on the Side
  8. Hero:: Superman
  9. Shave:: Shower
  10. Christina:: Lame

From Unconscious Mutterings

I say … and you think … ?

  1. Boxing:: Joe Louis
  2. Lewis:: and Clark
  3. Bodyguard:: POTUS
  4. Burnout:: Smoker
  5. Cruising:: Woodward
  6. Easter:: Egg
  7. AA:: Alcoholics Anonymous
  8. Research:: Paper
  9. Redemption:: Hero
  10. Snickers:: Caramel

From Unconscious Mutterings.

I had problems with ‘redemption’, I think of a movie when the main character screws up and either fixes it before the end of the movie (or goes back in time and it never happened).