Tag Archives: moon

Karnak Temple

Found this cool 360 degree panorama of Karnak Temple. It requires Quicktime (I was there last year, BTW).

(I was actually looking for something on The Moon Landing which was 38 years ago today….)

The Moon

So all of a sudden you look out the window and you realize that somehow you, and the building you are in, just got transported to the Moon. Do you:

Start running, screaming and freaking out
Do you think something like “how cool is this!?!”

I’m all for the second choice! Getting home and lack of oxygen are potential problems, but let’s look around in case you get transported back to plain ol’ boring Earth, okay?

It’s the Moon!!! How cool would that be?!?

Moon in Transit

Picture 2Wow! This is the Astronomy Picture of the Day today! The above link will get you “today’s” picture whenever today is. This link will get you March, 3rd 2007 which is the one I’m talking about. It’s the moon (our moon) passing in front of the sun using ultraviolet cameras.

The extra amazing part is once you go to that page you can watch a short animated movie of the 12 hour transition.

So why wait…?

So I was watching a re-run of Grey’s Anatomy last night. It’s the one where the wife has the fork stuck in her neck; her and the husband were being adventurous since she has an aneurism and only has weeks/months to live. So they are traveling and doing all the things they’ve always said they’ll do some day.

This ties back in with the meme from a few weeks ago about what would you do this six months to live. This also ties in with the new show Three Moons Over Milford where the moon gets hit with an asteroid and everyone knows it’s only a shot amount of time before the pieces fall back to earth. Several of the people and episodes are all about living life to the fullest.

So back to my question: “Why wait?”

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Quadrameme (lot’s of 4s about me)

I was tagged by RW to do this meme :)

Four jobs you’ve had in your life:
Web Programmer
Computer Trainer
Camp Counselor

Four movies you could watch over and over:

The Flight of the Navigator
The American President

The Cutting Edge
A Christmas Story

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Background change…

So it’s not a huge change but I was tired of the washed out summer theme that was too bright, I thought I might get used to it, but…

It’s a bit of the same colors, I just got rid of a lot of the bright ones. It’s too soon for a fall theme…

Background image from

Six months to live.

Kyra asked these questions on her blog. She actually asked them two different ways: If you had six months and what if everyone had 6 months.

If you knew you only had six months to live, and the world was guaranteed to end for you – how would you live?

What would you do?
Take it easy, relax, travel and lots more.
Would you spend your money, or save it?
Spend it. I’d clear out my 403b, 401k and IRAs! Heck, I’d stop probably stop paying my bills.
Would you eat healthy/diet, or would you be into the ice cream and chips every day?
Not healthy (not any less healthy than now either). Maybe more desserts :)
Exer-what? Actually, I’d be running around so much I probably wouldn’t need any.
Would you stay in your current job, or find something else to do?
Six months? I’d quit! (I like my job but at that point what’s the point).

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My Oregon Scientific Weather Station

I finally hooked up my Oregon Scientific Weather Station and I really like it. It’s got a remote sensor for outside and shows the humidity and temp for both inside and outside (or I guess you could put the sensor inside somewhere else in the house if you wanted). It shows the moon phase and sets itself via the atomic clock. The instructions read as if the atomic clock sends out a signal constantly (I thought it was a once a day thing). I know it took awhile (overnight) for mine to get the signal (and then I had to go set the time zone). It even makes a weather forecast based on the barometer and the humidity and temp. It’s a nifty little device and it’s well worth the money I spent on it.

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