Tag Archives: McDonalds

McRib No More…

McribtourSo there is a site protesting the use of boneless pigs for fast food (bonelesspigs.org). It’s a marketing thingy for McDonald’s who it looks like its canceling the McRib sandwich and marketing it as a farewell tour (and we know how those go, I think I saw the Rolling Stones farewell (or was it a reunion tour in ’93). This is a problem as it is my personal favorite and it doesn’t look like the tour is in my neighborhood. If anyone hears that they are coming to Michigan please let me know (Toledo is close enough and/or it’s an excuse to go to Chicago).

Found at the Fire Ant Gazette.

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Tuesday is Chooseday – Your name

So I usually avoid Tuesday is Chooseday because there is usually a rude question or two (or three) that I don’t feel the need to publish on-line, but today’s is okay with me…

    Would you rather:

  1. have a first name that nobody can pronounce OR one nobody can remember? I’ll go with no one can pronounce my name (at least they’ll remember me).
  2. be confined to a couch for three weeks OR wear rollerblades for three weeks straight? I could deal with the rollerblades. I’m assuming I can sit on the couch to rest.
  3. be the person who cleans up the elephant cages at the circus OR the person who cleans the friers at mcdonalds? I’d probably never eat fries again but I’ll choose those over the elephants.
  4. your poop be bright blue OR your saliva be grass green? I’ll go with the blue. No one’s going to know about that, right?

From Tuesday is Chooseday.

The Thursday Threesome (04/21/05)

The Thursday Threesome is back after some technical difficulties with their Domain Name Renewal so that is the theme for today’s questions…

Onesome: Domain–Hypothetically, if you could own any domain name you wanted, what would it be and why?
McDonalds.com would be a good one, I’m sure it’s worth some $$$. But I’d like LaPointe.com or Hill.com which are family names (even lapointefamily,com or hilllfamily.com would be nice). I’d just like to get more family “stuff” on-line and that would be a good address.
Twosome: Name— Are you called by something other than your legal name? If not, have you ever had a nickname? Or done something weird with your name, to try and stand out? Like an odd spelling or a slightly different pronunciation? Or just flat out wanted to change your name? To what?

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You can’t play the game unless you know the rules.

Of course you can, you just might not win in the opinion of the other players. Rules do help since they what not to do. That’s what rules generally do, right? Tell you what not to do. “Have a nice day!” isn’t a rule (but it should be). I’m kind of babbling I just thought it was an interesting sticker. I guess I could have just posted it without any text…

But the rules thing actually made me think about Joan this week. The talk was about choices, actually making choices, and wouldn’t it be easier if we knew the outcome and could make the “correct” choice. It wouldn’t really be a choice then now would it. It’s interesting on how God “bullies” Joan into doing things but talks about choices and outcomes and such.

Back to the rules thing, rules are good, just people need to know when they can be broken. At McDonalds, a cheeseburger comes with ketchup, pickle, onions and mustard (right?) that’s on their list of rules on how to make a sandwich. Wouldn’t it be crazy if every McDonalds made their burgers different? But you can make a special order (thank God for that!) and change that rule so there are no pickles or mustard on it. If you asked nice they’d probably even put BBQ sauce on it, which would be way against the rules (but they might charge you two bits). So sometimes they are good and they let me ‘have it my way’.