Tag Archives: blog

New Layout AND site!

Garysaid logoSo I’ve got the new design up at http://GarySaid.com/. (If you’re viewing this at the old site it doesn’t look new, it’s probably starting to look broken as I move things and directory paths break). I’ll be patching a few things (especially on the sidebars) over the next week. So give me a few days to patch all the cracks (unless you see something really bad).

Please change you links and blogrolls to this site…

New colors and background

It’s been making me crazy that I haven’t ever finished changing my layout after I started it a few weeks ago (I never intended to permanently keep that crazy background). I’ve looked for layouts and backgrounds a few times but never really found what I wanted. Actually I still haven’t found exactly what I wanted, I really wanted something with a more “springy” feel to it (but I was trying to avoid flowers and such)…

Trish had some patterns that I liked so I picked them up for a great price from In A Mood Designs at iam-designs.com

I really liked the background I’m using (scroll down to see it without text in front) it’s got the greens I was looking for (with some yellowish tones and red) but in an outer-space nebula-ish looking way (but I never ended up using the greens in front).

It’s growing on me…

So the awful colors aren’t bothering me so much anymore (but I’m pretty exhausted), I think they’ll stay for a few days…

I was really looking for a something spring-ish but everything seemed to be too sporty or two girly for me…

So the colors are awful

So I know the colors (on my blog) are awful. I’ll fix them but my batteries are dying and I don’t want to get stuck halfway through an edit. Just for chuckles, scroll down and look at the background (it’s not really moving).

Blogging – It’s Blogcess

1) How long have you been blogging?
One year and a few months.
2) How many templates (looks) have you had for your blog since it’s inception? Do you design your own or have someone else do them for you?
Probably close to ten, I had a while that I was messing with it all the time, especially when people complained about the swirling graphics. I usually use my own layout template but I usually use a free template as a basis; that means I’ll use some of their colors and a graphic or two.
3) How many posts have you made on your blog? How often do you post?
This will make number 573, I average about one-and-a-half a day but I don’t post every day… I post every few days, more on the weekends.
4) For many of us having a blog also means we read blogs. Let’s share a few of our favorites for some blog recess linky love.
I read gobs and gobs of them. You can see my blogroll list on my home page on the lower right.

From It’s Blogcess

Interesting Recent Sites

Have you seen my new sidebar on blog start page? “Interesting Recent Sites” If I’m on a site and I think it’s interest I hit a button* and it moves it up to the server. It just keeps the last dozen or so sites.

* How – AppleScript to get the URL and the tile (or a text clipping from the page) and does a tail for the end of the list and FTPs it up to my site and then a PHP include from the site grabs the file and sticks it in the sidebar box! After a few more revisions I’ll post the info up for the geekier of you. If interested in the info when I get it together, leave a comment for this message…

Site Modifications

So I’ve totally redone this site in PHP. You shouldn’t get any .HTML files any more, if it does it should automatically redirect you. But if you do notice (even if it redirects you) any internal links that have .HTML in them (or you get the big if you can see this then… message, please leave me a message (e-mail or in the comments). I’m really afraid of links back to specific entries not working (with from other sites or from Yahoo!/Google). Thank you!

Speaking of new layouts

Dawn’s site, breakdAwn, has only been up for ten or so days now and she’s already changed the layout three or four times. That’s not to say she hasn’t been writing, just that’s she’s gotten into this. Now who else can I recommend this to..?