Tag Archives: astronomy

Light Pollution

You can definitely see the eclipse and see that it’s RED but it’s just to hard to really see it well. :(

Speaking of the moon…

I was looking for a (regular) calendar and I found this.

The Moooonnn…

So I really like the way the background it working out! The moon changing with the phases is pretty nifty. It wasn’t moving very fast at first, as a matter of fact it didn’t match some other moon icons so I think something choked at the US Naval Observatory where I get it from, it seems like it’s sped up the last 24 hours. It wasn’t previously matching some other moon viewers.

Sedna is Far Out!

sednaIt looks like we’ve got another new planet! And it’s way out there. It’s three times farther from Earth than Pluto. This is an artists rendition, please note the bright dot on the right is our Sun.

Check out CNN, NASA and most importantly the Spitzer Telescope at Caltech where it looks like it was discovered. I should have been an astronomer or an astronaut…