Tag Archives: Anna Nalick

She just reaches inside of me a twists things about (in a good way).

I’m at Wendy’s right now (a single with cheese/lettuce/tomato, a potato and a coca-cola, since you asked) and they’re playing Breathe 2AM by Anna Nalick. I just love that song. It was strange, because I could feel it before I figured out what it was (volume is low and the restaurant is loud).

Anna Nalick Today

Anna Nalick is on the Today Show on NBC on Saturday, June 18th. She’s supposed to be performing around 8:10 AM EST. Set your TiVo!

Anyone know what’s supposed to be on the Anna Nalick Import CD…?

Anna Nalick in Chicago

Anyone happen to see Anna Nalick in Chicago tonight at Borders? If so, two three questions: How many songs did she play? Anthing not on Wreck of the Day? and (of course) how was she?!?

A Lot Like Love – Review

So I really like Ashton Kutcher when he’s not being goofy Ashton Kutcher, I like it when he’s normal Ashton Kutcher. Amanda Peet and AK were great in this movie. They kept meeting under different circumstances something always from being a couple. It’s interesting how they start in the past and work their way into the present. The soundtrack follows along with the time and very timely in the present they play Anna Nalick (who’s excellent album came out this week). A lot like love is both very sweet and very cute (both the movie and Amanda). So score some points and drag your girlfriend out to the movie or get your boyfriend to take you (it’s not such a chick flick that he’ll spend too much time complaining about it).

Anna Nalick Surprise!

Picture 2So I ordered the new Anna Nalick CD at the Sony on-line store last week. The CD comes out tomorrow. Guess what I got in the mail today!!!! It’s pretty good, but the Breath (2 AM) song is still my favorite. I’m still surprised it got here a day early…Anna Nalick

Four for Friday

Was thinking I’d do a meme or two before bed. I’ll do this one from Four for Friday

Q1: Which is a bigger waste of time in your life… being stuck in traffic or being placed on hold during telephone calls? Which do you find more annoying?
Probably being stuck in traffic for two reasons. I’m probably not getting anything done and now I’m probably late… On the phone on hold I can at least get other stuff done (if you want them to answer quick, just start brushing your teeth).

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Music at 20,000 feet

So I’m on my way back to Detroit. I downloaded a bunch of blogs to read on the plane and I’m also listening to my iPod. Right now I’m listening to Toby Lightman which I purchased from the iTunes store a ways back. I also heard Stumblin’ by Powderfinger, Sway by The Perishers and lots of stuff (Live on 8/27/04) from Claudia Jane – who appears to have recently given up blogging :(

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Anna Nalick – super-mini review

So the iTunes free song of the week is Anna Nalick‘s “Breathe (2AM)”, this is a great song. Pretty earthy but a few of her other samples seem like there might have more of a beat. It’s only free until Monday the 29th(?).

Check out Single of the Weekher site for more info and more clips…)

I had actually bought it already… It was recently in a movie or on a WB/UPN show and I really enjoyed it. Free is good!

After this week click here – Anna Nalick

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