Tag Archives: 3x Thursday

Roommates – 3x Thursday

1. Have you ever had a roomate? If so, do you like living with other people, or would you rather have your own space?
I only had long-term roommates once (for 3 years), otherwise it was just a few summers in college. A friend couldn’t decide if to share an apartment with me or a girlfriend. So we all ended up living together. It worked out great. They got the big room, they did everything together so they were gone 2/3 of the time and we have kinda-opposite schedules. Most of my friends didn’t even believe I had roommates! Besides that, they were great too!
2. If you’ve had roommates, got any horror stories? If not, if you had to, would you get a roommate, or get a 2nd job to pay for rent?
No horror stories. I’d get one if I had too. It’s fun occasionally.
3. Describe the ideal roommate.
Neat, has money to pay the rent, lots of single friends…
Bonus Question for Comments: What *is* it about having one’s own space that is so appealing?
I grew up a single child so I always had my own room and space. It’s nice when you want to move/do things that you don’t have to worry if someone else will care or be bothered by it. Very low concern / stress issues.

From 3x Thursday

Family Fun – 3x Thursday

  1. Do you keep in touch with most of your family (internal and external) members? Why/why not? Here and there, I think I keep in touch less now that I moved back to the Detroit area.
  2. If you’ve lost touch with some of your family and friends, is it time to call them up and find out how they are, or do you even care? I haven’t seen them much lately but I’m doing Easter at my place this year so that’ll be fun. Many of them haven’t even seen my place.
  3. Are you afraid to contact someone that you haven’t had communications with in a long time? Do you think they’ll be pissed that you haven’t called in 5 years? Or do you think, “better late than never”? Better late than never. Sometimes it’s hard when you wonder what they are expecting, or vice versa…

Bonus Question: How do you react when someone (friend or family) that you haven’t spoken with (for whatever reason) in years contacts you? I always like it, it’s fun to catch up and see what people have been up to when you haven’t talked to them for a while.

From 3x Thursday.

Is the world a better place? 3x Thursday

  1. Is the world a better place today than it was 5 years ago? Support your answer. No. I feel the September 11 tragedy and the war and the finances of the country has really hurt us the last few years. Plus we’ve lost a shuttle our schools are suffering which means so are our children and I’m sure there are more than a few other things that I haven’t listed. I know this answer focused on the country and not the world but I don’t think they’ve been making tremendous strides the last five years in the rest of the world. Most five year blocks previously I’d say have gotten better.
  2. If you knew what the future held 25 years from now, would you want to continue life to that point even if you knew the outcome wasn’t pretty? Why/Why not? Yes! If I had the ability to see the future, I’d have the ability to change it. Heck, even without that power we have the ability to change it.
  3. Do you think our elders (we’ll put a cap on it and say 65 and older) ever thought the world would be like it is today? What will you tell your grandkids (or your friends’ grandkids) about your first 25-30 years on this planet? No, they never imagined it would be like today. It’s changed too fast for most of the masses before that time to have guessed. Many of them do not understand the world today. The futurists might have, but they’d be wrong too, we didn’t get as far as they thought we would.

    My first 25-30 years? I got to learn as much as I could, I was there when the first computers start coming into peoples homes, we didn’t blow up the world, the cold war ended, I remember when no one had cell phones, answering machines or e-mail, I was able to travel when you could show up fifteen minutes before your flight and you didn’t have to take your shoes off, I was building web sites before people Yahoo!ed and Googled, we all learned what AIDs was, what computer viruses were and how fast things could really change.

From 3x Thursday

Favorite Family, Meals and Search Engines – 3x Thursday

  1. Who’s your favorite person in your family? What makes them so cool? Emily and Nathan. They are the babies of the family. Not much is cooler than that!
  2. What’s your favorite meal of the day? Why? Breakfast! Bacon, eggs and cantaloupe. It’s a good start to start the routine of my day. Even if I get up at 2 PM I generally still have breakfast. Waffles are better but they take too much time.
  3. What’s your favorite search engine? Can it cook your meals for you? Google! I hear they are acquiring iHop so it shouldn’t be too long before the cooking starts…

Bonus: You’re given on day to do any number of favorite things that you choose. What would your day consist of?

  • Breakfast
  • Rollerblading (around MSU)
  • A picnic
  • Shopping (successfully) at Best Buy
  • Eat Chinese (at one of my favorite places in Lansing)
  • Some time at Borders and their Cafe
  • Stopping by the Apple store (have you been there, it’s the coolest store)
  • Finding a really good deal (or something free) on-line
  • Being with friends for all of the above
  • From 3x Thursday