Tag Archives: 101 in 1001

Guess where I’m off to now!?!

GarypuravidaSo I’m heading back off the continent again. Actually, I’m not 100% sure that’s true, Costa Rica is on the isthmus which connects North America and South America and while I think that makes it not part of South or North America I’m not sure if it’s “off” the continent. but I digress…

So it’s time for some sun and relaxing. Want to try to get to some different places this trip but the trip is starting back in Jaco, my favorite town so far. I’m trying to find somewhere out on the peninsula that’s on the northwest part of the country for somewhere different to go.

“Pura Vida” is kind of a catch phrase / motto there, it means “pure life”. I did the magazine cover shown here after my last trip.

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My 101 in 1001 list update

So I’ve definitely fallen behind in my 101 in 1001 list (23% of my tasks done and used 32% of my time.). I’ve got more than a few things lined up in the next few months.

  • I’m having the family Christmas at my house this year. This covers two items: 1) Having the Family Christmas and 2) Have the extended family over once a year.
  • If I go to Costa Rica this winter I cover several items: 1) Going back to Costa Rica, 2) A warm winter vacation, 3) Possibly deciding if I want to move there some day.
  • I could also succeed in doing one (or two) more Christmas related items: 1) Greenfield Village or 2) The Hines Drive lights tour.

    So I could start to catch up soon. It’s likely I’ll get five items just from the above list (maybe 7). I’ll likely get more done, but these are very likely to happen by January…

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  • Lots of water…

    So three weeks ago I started making sure I was drinking at least a half-gallon (2 liters) of water a day. I hear I don’t drink “enough” (whatever that is) and I drink lots of soda and juice (mostly Coca-Cola and OJ). I do drink more water now than in other points of my life (which used to be never). It was one of the items on my 101 in 1001 things list. After 3 weeks I’ve got some results/conclusions:

  • When I drink that much water, I drink less soda (which is probably good).
  • It makes me need to go to the bathroom more (duh!).
  • I think generally got to sleep earlier (maybe to to lack of caffeine or at least it being washed out of my system).
  • I think I slept better (although I attribute this to the lack of other caffeinated drinks more).
  • My neck/shoulders probably bothered me just as much as normal (I think OMT and Chiropractors recommend lots of water).
  • I have very mild psoriasis (dry flaky skin) which comes and goes and thought the extra water might help, but if anything during that period it’s gotten a little dryer.
  • My stomach seemed more (slightly)sensitive to spicy and junk foods than normal.
  • I think slightly overall, I did feel a little better.

    Once again it was only 3 weeks and I didn’t expect any miracle in terms of changes. And this wasn’t a double-blind experiment or anything, it was just me drinking lots more water. I didn’t intentionally cut out other drinks but as a result I probably drank less (but I know of some days I drank lots of soda and then I had to force the water down later). Some of the above could be attributed to being tired or stressed from work (it was the start of the school year). So no big results other than the sleeping I’ll be keeping an eye on that.

    I will continue to drink more out of habit (I already am today), but I won’t be forcing myself to catch up in the evening.

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  • Lots of water (and goofy marketing)

    So as we all know, metric is going to take the word by storm one of these days). HA!

    The funny thing is I always thought of it as something that came over here from overseas, but the amount of signage in England that is in miles (and not kilometers) makes me laugh. I always chuckle when I see teachers teaching metric (I work for a school district) since it seems they are telling them the same thing they told me as a kid (and I’m still waiting).

    Actually it’s bottled water that’s the cause of this post. One of my 101 in 1001 things items is to drink a 1/2 gallon of water a day for three weeks and see if it makes me feel healthier. So I bought water today (it’s on sale at Target) and the bottles are a 1/2 liter so I needed to figure out how many I needed to drink. Here’s the thing they don’t list it in ounces, they listed it as “1 pint 0.9 ounces” so I had to think if a pint was 16 ounces or not. Why wouldn’t they just list it as 16.9 ounces?!?

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    So I’ve been doing stuff around the house

    57422 Pe163006 S3So I’ve replaced my old tables at my place. They were old ones when I moved in 8 years ago. It was about time and it was an item on my 101 in 1001 list. Here’s the smaller one, the other one is just longer. The glass top is interchangeable with the wood, which I’ll never do, but I like the feature :)

    Plus I put in this looonnngg cabinet along the front of the room, it’s pretty much exactly what I’ve been looking for DVDs and CDs and “stuff”. It’s 77 inches long so it’s got room for a lots of items.

    Also, I finally put some curtains up in the living room (this is also on my 101 in 1001 list)

    It’s resulted in some movement and rearranging around the house. It’s never exactly what I want so I’m still thinking about the layout.

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    I got my new camera

    So I got my Canon Digital Rebel XT 8MP Digital SLR Camera (with an 18-55mm Lens) and I really like it! I’ve wanted it for a while but it’s the upcomming Egypt trip that inspired me to finally purchase it. (This was also one of the items on my 101 in 1001 items list so you can read a little more about the purchase itself in it’s completed entry over there.) So I got it with the 2GB card (and a spare 512MB) and the last few days I picked up a mini memory reader, a case, a filter (mostly to protect the lens) and one of those things with the rubber band around the lens to hang onto the lens cap so you don’t leave it anywhere.

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    I hate shoe shopping…

    SuttonbrownI’m definitely lacking nice brown shoes and I own several pairs of these shoes (see image) in black but needed to order the ones in the color brown. I knew I’d like them (this has been my standard black shoe for years) and I’ve been meaning to do this for ages so I added it to my 101 in 1001 list. So the guy at the Hush Puppies store said he could order them for me cheaper than I could buy on-line (which was true). I just wasn’t sure exactly what my size was so I wanted to check my black ones at home.

    So I found the size and called them back and when they got on-line to order them it turns out they didn’t have the brown ones any more. So I checked all the on-line stores and the few places that did have them didn’t have my size (and they were all more expensive than he could have got them for me)…

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    101 Things in 1001 days

    So far I’ve completed:

  • 03/15/06: Frame all of my college degrees.
  • 03/11/06: Get a new desk for the landing.
  • 03/11/06: Do my taxes for last year.
  • 03/08/06: Post this list on-line.
  • 03/06/06: Figure out a plan for my mortgage.
  • 03/03/06: Get a new carbon monoxide detector.
  • 02/17/06: Do my taxes for the year before last.
  • 01/15/06: Get a new desk chair.
  • 12/08/05: See Anna Nalick in concert.
  • Way back in September 2005 I said I liked the idea of this 101 things in 1001 days.

    As it says on the 101 in 1001 site:

    The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

    So I’ve built a list and I’m crossing them off. I broke them down by categories: Blog, Entertainment, Family, Health, Home, Me, Money, Other, Technology and Vacation (the last category may be overloaded). Of course the list is at http://101in1001.garylapointe.com/ and I’ve got it all geeked out (but the template needs work).

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