Monthly Archives: October 2006

There is (are?) 40 of me in the US

So I’ve seen web sites where they tell you how popular your first or last name is. This is the first on that I’ve seen that tells you how unique your full name is.

How Many Of There are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

What I don’t like about this is it sticks with the number I’m given today. If their list changes it doesn’t make another calculation query to the list. But how many more can there be like me?!?

New Visitor Map!!

VisitormapsampleSo I found a new visitor map widget for my site. This one uses the Google Maps for viewing and exploring. It shows where it thinks you are and if you click it, it shows all the recent visitors. I always like to know where people come from (and maps, I like maps). How close does it show you to where you think you are?!?

It seems like it just counts each visitor (or IP?) once, so that’s good, it takes about a half day to update the chart but I think your location is always correct.

The image in this post is “static”. To see the “live” image look in the footer of any page.

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Go Tigers!!!

The Detroit Tigers made it to the World Series!!!! It’s totally weird that no one knew who it was that we were going to play until less than two days ago. Game one is tonight.

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But it seemed like a good idea…

I’m sure they thought it would look cool to film their buddy doing this…

Posted by Jon

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I Love This Show!

A new season and it’s still a great show! I’m getting used to the new theme song (actually same lyrics but a different band or mix).

"Now maybe other people would say they’d never install a tracking device in their significant other’s car. But I think that’s just because they don’t know how."

— Veronica Mars

I just love Veronica Mars!

300 Million People (that’s 300,000,000) in the United States

So this Tuesday the U.S. Population is supposed to hit 300 Million people. I was looking for some kind of cool counter to put on my page (even just a graphic that changes with each page load). Not having any luck, but I know I’ve seen one before. Here’s the current numbers, looks like only 10,500 to go…

FYI, if we round the world’s population to Six Billion (6,000,000,000) that means we’re only 1/20th of the world’s population. That’s not very much considering how big we think of ourselves in a global way.

Remember a few years back I talked about your ecological footprint and how much of the world’s resources you use. I thought I’d bring it up with the 1/20th number in mind and let you take the ecological footprint survey again.

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Melissa Has Been Blogging Away (go say hello!)

So a few weeks ago I mentioned we were trying to get a domain name for Melissa. Well we finally settled on as the address. Once we got her set up on-line she then immediately titled the site “A Musing Melissa”! Where the hell was that idea when we were picking out a name?!?

So she’s been talking about life, her kids, being single and figuring out who she is as her kids become adults and she gets used to handling life on her own. She’s been posting and I keep forgetting to send some traffic her way. So go on over to A Musing Melissa and say hello. I’m sure she’d love to get some comments and find some other blogs to read.

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It’s Time to Carve the Pumpkin!

Virtual pumpkinOkay so it’s time for Halloween and it’s time to carve the virtual pumpkin! It’s pretty easy to do, just make sure when you are cutting a shape you end where you started. The one on the right is the one I made and I liked it until I had to shrink it (then the misshapen eye just got too small).

So saddle up the kids and let them each pick out their own virtual pumpkin!