Monthly Archives: October 2004

Bonnie Mckee is Trouble

This week’s free iTunes song is from the album Trouble by Bonnie McKee. I’m going to play it a few more times and then I think I’m going to buy the album…

Here’s the QuickTime video if interested. If you have iTunes just click, if you don’t go download iTunes for free. (After next Monday it won’t be free any more, it’ll be some other song).

When I’m Gone

So what will people think when I’m gone? When friends/family go through stuff and “find things” what will they think? When mom goes through my phone bills and charge charges what will make her wonder? What’s a “PayPal”? What the hell is a “BlogShare” and am I really worth that much? When she gets a bill from Network Solutions for in a few years will she pay it? When she gets friends to help go through my stuff what will they wonder? Will they go though old journals when they find them or just pitch them? Maybe they’ll tear our the pages relevant to past people in my life and mail them to them? (I kinda like this last one)

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A looonnngg ride home.

At least it’s not bright and sunny out today, I hate leaving a holiday when it’s nicer when leaving than when there the whole time. I think I slept a lot last night, so that’ll help (except for the weird car crash nightmares, but since I’m on the train, they shouldn’t surface).

Bonus, I don’t have to hoof it to the metra station! Heather’s still around to give me a ride! I travel with WAY too much junk. And Heather teases me about it, but when Heather said, “hey do you have a video camera in all that stuff” and I said “yes”, she could only mock me so much, right?!?

Church, Fellowship and Transitions

So I got to see the Reverend Heather Voss do a full service last night. Very cool. She’s a pro and act like she’s done it for years. Afterwards we had all the students over at her place for dinner, many ate and run, and some hung around for a little bit and some hung around longer and we played Euchre and chatted. It was really fun, I was a little more sedate than usual, but that was their time not mine.

I sure miss college. I loved being a student. I really miss those 15 week (or 10 week) deadlines when the semester over and it was behind you. Yes I may have failed the class, but at least it was over I had a week off and I could start again. No one ever brought up that project from eighteen months ago (or even six months) ’cause that part was over and we’ve transitioned to the next…

All over town

So I Roller-bladed all over “downtown” Evanston today and got some good breakfast McThingy to eat at Einstein Bros.

Then I went up towards Northwestern and bladed around campus and they were having a huge run for breast cancer awareness month. It was chaos there! It was fun to watch and I got to sit down by Lake Michigan and see the water, hear the waves and see Chicago to the south. I love the campus there and the view is always so nice, I just wish it had been warmer out…

All that and I was done by noon.

Fall Back

Daylight Savings Time starts in a few weeks (Sunday, October 31st). So be sure to send your DST greeting card.

These are 3 of my favorite things

List 3 of each:
Pet Peeves: irresponsible cell phone use, people yelling at their kids for every little thing, honking
Favorite Sounds: babbling brooks, ocean waves, (white noise from my sleep/sound machine)
Favorite Candy: smarties a.k.a. lentilky (m&m-like things from overseas), m & m’s and receeses peanut butter cups.
Biggest Fears: no wife, no kids, drowning
Biggest Challenges: talking slower, listening longer
Favorite Department Stores: target, best buy, compusa
Most Used Words: but, also, if
Favorite Pizza Toppings: pepperoni, ham & pineapple, meat lover’s
Favorite Cartoon Characters: kim possible, speed racer,
Movies Recently Watched: garden state, wimbledon, spiderman 2
Favorite Fruits: cantelope, strwberries, banannas
Favorite Vegetables: corn (canned or cob), brocolli, potatoes (baked)
You can find this at The Daily Meme.

How much (straight) people point out that they aren’t gay

Jeff points out (actually someone else did, but Jeff summarized it better and made it a more useable link, and added more info). How much straight people point out that they are (straight) in a two minute conversation.

He also points out when people get married they get 1,049 legal rights that they didn’t have before…