Tag Archives: monitoring

Do you use ChangeNotes?

Please be aware that ChangeNotes seems to be gone.
I’ve been using ChangeDetection.com for the same purpose now.
It appears to offer pretty much the same service.

ChangenotesI really like ChangeNotes and I don’t think I’ve mentioned it before so here’s some info for you. It’s a free service and they monitor web pages and let you know when they change. To me this is only useful on pages that don’t change very often. I use this on pages such as I’m waiting for information on a new book from an author, when the local shelter is doing a fund raiser, when the Mags For Miles list changes, or other pages that don’t change very often.

They’ll let you put a link on your page to make it easy for people to sign up so they’re alerted when your site changes. This isn’t so useful if you have a blog that changes daily, but for something that doesn’t change very often it’d be great.

The downside: It’s generally a slow site but since you don’t go there very often, that’s okay with me. I’m not really sure if they check the pages every day (but it’s at least every few days). Sometimes you get alerts when a page they check has time-out errors.