Tag Archives: Disneyland

The Past – Wednesday Mind Hump – Week 35

01. Can you remember where you were in life ten years ago? If you could travel back in time and whisper something to yourself ten years ago, what would it be?
I do regret not being married and not having kids. So it would probably be to work on marriage and/or adoption. I was pretty happy at the time so I might not listen to me…
02. You inherit a large piece of land and decide to build a theme park a la “Disneyland, Sea World, etc.) What would you name your theme park and what would your mascot be?
GeekWorld and the mascot would be Techie the Turtle.
03. Okay, let’s have it! What’s the craziest, most impulsive thing you’ve ever done. Remember, we have insane youngsters amongst us so if it’s risque, clean it up.. *wink*
Climbing on the windowsill from one room to another on the 10th floor of the dorms at the U of British Columbia, I was probably 15 at the time.
04. We all have them … bad days. If you were having a bad day what or whom would you turn to for comfort?
A female friend or ex-girlfriend, they’d probably fix me food and make me dessert.
05. According to the song White Rabbit, “one pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small”. If you were offered these pills today, which pill would you take and why?
Larger. Why not? Bigger is better isn’t it?

From Wednesday Mind Hump – Week 35