Mishmash – Monday Madness

1. What was the name of the last movie you watched (dvd, vhs, theatre, or tv)?
Raising Helen last night at the theater, it was fun.
2. What were you doing on the internet before coming here?
Poking around trying to see if any of the students in the school district where I work blog (or have sites) on the net. I know some do, but the search engines didn’t pick them up…
3. What color of pen do you usually write with?
Blue or red.
4. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Hmm… Mark? (on his way back to the Detroit area from Lansing.)
5. When is your birthday? (month and day)
September 11th (every year).
6. How organized is your computer desk?
Not even close to organized, neither is my computer desktop.
7. How many calendars do you have in your house?
8. Do you clip coupons and use them when doing your grocery shopping?
I used to, now I cut them and either forget them at home, leave them in the car or they are out of that item at the store…
9. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Night person. Always have been, but lately I’ve been more disciplined.
10. Did you enjoy your weekend?
It was okay, got caught up on some sleep, grocery shopping, laundry and some computing. Saw friends which was nice…

From Monday Madness

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