Happy Mother’s Day Mom!

This is my Mother and I, it’s not the best picture but it is the most recent one, just a few months old (I was showing her my QuikPod more than we were posing); you can tell we were just goofing around since she didn’t make me fix my hair. Maybe we’ll take a better one later today.

Momandmepict2349She’s a been a great Mom and she had to work hard at it, she had to drop out of High School to have me and that can’t have been easy in her very Catholic family. I do remember her going back to High School when I was in the first grade; she actually went back to school during the day, she didn’t just get her GED she completed the Diploma. I don’t really remember a commencement ceremony or anything like that (although I’ll ask today if I can get it to come up) she must have just gotten the paper.

I’m sure having me changed her plans for life in many many ways. I don’t know if she ever even got a chance to think about life after high school or if al of a sudden it was all over…

Thanks Mom! You brought me up pretty good and I came out mostly okay. Statistically, I’m doing pretty great – I’m gainfully employed, educated, not in debt (other than my home) and my only complaint is that I’m single with no kids (but I’ve still got some time for that). Thank you again and I Love You!!

One response to “Happy Mother’s Day Mom!

  1. Kris Hansen

    Awwww….that is very touching and awesome Gary.

    As a Mom, a parent and a woman I can say…childrearing has all the sacrifices and pain you can imagine but it has all the joys and love you can ever experience. The wonderment of watching your children grow and discover, play and experience this life is the highlight of my day. And to be someone’s Mom (or in your case Dad) is amazing and ground shaking. Brings me to my knees and lifts me higher than any love I have ever been apart of or ever will. I’ll never be the same for bringing forth two little boys into the world. I could have done so many other things and I would have missed the BEST part of life. Participating in the growth and development of another human being…it’s profound. It’s a priveldge. It’s painful. It’s awesome. It’s inspiring and it’s humbling.

    The joke is on my two boys cuz I’M THEIR MOM!!! hahahahahha… So, no worries about what your Mom did to have you. I am sure she thinks it’s all worth it. You’re a great son. A successful human being. And I am sure, you are her friend. What more could a Mom want??? You have done your Mom proud. On a day like today, it inspires me to be the kind of Mom that can raise boys to be a man like you.

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