Grey’s Anatomy – Season Premiere

So I finally got around to watching it. I know it’s been sitting there for days but I just didn’t get to it until now. And the bonus is I can probably say anything about the episode without ruining it for anyone since I’m sure everyone else has seen it.

I was highly entertained. I liked them all dealing with their own interns. Lots of action going on (although some parts seemed really slow). Izzie and the deer was silly story-line, but I enjoyed it. Lexie telling George to just suck it up, you just delivered a baby and how cool is that. I’m really liking Lexie’s character so far but I’m thinking the ‘Meridith is my sister’ stuff is going to get old. She reminds me of someone but I’ve never seen her in anything. Thinking about it, the good story-lines were all George, Izzie and Lexie this episode.

But the one thing that kept bugging me all episode was that we all know, in the long run, George is not going to stay with Callie and how long are they going to drag this out. I just don’t see them staying together; I don’t know if that means that he’ll end up with Izzie, but I don’t see them together (they’ve never been a good plot-line) and I just don’t want them dragging the story-line out for the next few seasons. And then there was the that last scene of the show (which I won’t mention just in case you haven’t seen it yet)…

I gotta say though, the first season was the best season and it’ll be hard for them to beat it. The characters were fresh and they didn’t need any gimmicks for the show and it was just different somehow. They sure jammed a lot into the 9 episode season! Back then Meridith used to be a whole lot cuter because as time went on you found out just how screwed up she really was (is); so that TV crush has kinda gone bye-bye…

One response to “Grey’s Anatomy – Season Premiere

  1. I’m with you on liking Lexie. Especially the applause scene in the locker room. That was pretty decent. But my worry is that there’s still time for writers to turn her into just as big a harpie as all the other characters on the show. I’m just hoping for more good stuff with Alex and Miranda. They’re the only really good ones left on the show.

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